Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green Doritos bag

Today when Kerrie Anne was taking me home we went to Big W (Wal-Mart) so she could get some groceries and I saw that they have green bags of Doritos! The green bag means that they are just plain tortilla chips with no flavoring. These Aussies with the green Doritos and green M&Ms, wonder what else there is that is green packaging! Also they call granola bars Museli Bars.
I keep forgetting to post this and I’m sure all of you have thought about it but I figured out that Aussies would never say “Put another shrimp on the Barbie” because they call shrimp prawns! I haven’t heard anyone say “put another prawn on the Barbie” but I have only been to one BBQ so far so maybe I will hear it soon!
The bells at school sound like sirens for a fire drill or something. All you pandas that live in Magnolia – I thought I got away from the loud sirens in the dorm but no, I get to hear them about 4 times a day now! The teachers are used to it but I still jump every time it goes off!
Not too much happened today. I did a lesson on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and I played the Jack Johnson song “3 R’s” If any of you have seen the Curious George movie you know what I am talking about – it’s pretty good if you want to youtube it! They loved it and learned a lot about saving the environment. It was an S&E lesson which stands for Society and Environment but is pretty much social studies.
On Tuesdays some of the teachers stay after school to have pilates in the music room. I planned on staying to do it with them but I forgot my workout clothes and was wearing a dress today. But I hope to start next Tuesday with them and that will help me to build relationships with them and get some relaxation time in!
Hope everything is going well back home! Love and prayers!
Matthew 14:28-32


  1. Ahh the 'ol "left my workout clothes at home" ploy! :-) Kath , it's "cold as" here!! Winter storm watch! James Spann getting all excited! He'll have his sleeves rolled up. Enjoy the beach this weekend. I bet you can get some good seafood

  2. Hey Kathleen! I just love reading about your days - have you ever thought about a career in journalism? You are a fantastic story-teller. It sounds like you are staying very busy. I am sure your time there will fly.....

    Things are good in Atlanta - really busy and cold! Like your dad said in his post, they are warning us about a "wintery mix" tomorrow night. The last time they did that I was stuck in my house for 4 days! I am not sure I can do that again. My driveway was a 3 inch sheet of ice and I tried to break it up on day three with a hammer and 2 dust pans. No shovel anywhere in my house! Let's hope we don't go through that again.

    We love and miss you! Be safe and have a great adventure - then tell us all about it. xoxo

  3. Hey my deenie! I hope your week is going good. been thinking about you a lot. We have a game tomorrow night so be thinking about us i hope we win. The pilates sounds interesting i thought about joining a yoga class here. I love you so much and look forward to reading tomorrow's blog.
    loe you
    P.S. i did call you back saturday and left you a vmail! oh and the weather here is lame cold and wet!

  4. Daddy - I really did mean to bring them but I woke up late and forget to get them! Ill have to pack them on Monday night from now on! Hope you can stay warm!

    Aunt Gina - thank you! Sometimes I feel like my posts don't really make sense so I am glad that you are enjoying them! I hope you don't have to be trapped inside for 4 days again! Ill try to send some of this warm weather your way! :)

    Pete - never got a missed call but I will check my messages, thanks! I hope you win your game too! SMTTT!! LOVE YOU HAYITTI!!
