Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today was the perfect Sunday. This morning Tracy, Monique and I went to Kingsley Church of Christ for church and I have never been to Church of Christ before and it was really good. They played a lot of songs that I recognized and it felt a little like Mars Hill which was the church that I went to when I lived in Seattle. They had morning tea after the service and I met some people that are closer to my age. The lead singer in the choir came up to me straight away I guess she noticed I was new and she introduced herself. I know I say this all the time but the people here are so welcoming and friendly. Her name is Brooke and she introduced me to three other girls and told me about a weekly bible study they have with the other young adults in the church. I am hoping I will be able to go this Wednesday. I have wanted to meet some locals and I think this is just the answer for me! I will post more about that to let you guys know how it is going!
After church Tracy dropped me off at AQWA which is the Aquarium near Hillary’s Boat Harbor. It is the AQuarium of Western Australia, hence AQWA. I think I’ve talked about Hillary’s a lot because that is prob my fave place to go here! They have shops and the beach and the park and restaurants! Anyway, I went the aquarium with Catherine and Erin and we had an awesome time! I got to pet a stingray and a shark! They had a pond outside called “Mettam’s touch pool” that had fish, sharks, stingrays, starfish and other sea creatures where you could lean over the edge and touch them! The stingray and shark would swim right up to the top of the water and I just put my hand down and they swam right under my hand! They felt so weird but it was really cool. Then we went to this other part called “shipwreck coast” where stood on a conveyer belt that actually took us under the Indian Ocean into Australia’s largest walkthrough aquarium. I saw huge stingrays, sharks, loggerhead turtles and beautiful fish! It was really weird just looking through a piece of glass (very thick glass of course) and seeing all of those wild sea creatures! I got lots of cool pictures and can’t wait to show them to all of you!
After we finished that we were hungry for lunch so we walked over to the marina to get some lunch. We all decided we wanted a good American lunch so we went to subway and it was so delicious! I got a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sandwich on Italian herbs and cheese bread, a chocolate chip cookie and a diet coke! Beautiful! Diet coke has never tasted as refreshing as it did today! After that we just sat outside and talked about how everything is going with our schools and our experience here. It was really nice to be able to talk with them and we started planning for what we will do next weekend!
Now I am back at the house we are about to have quiche for dinner and then I am going to write some lesson plans to prepare for this upcoming week. Can’t believe I am about to start week 4!  
Colossians 1:27


  1. Kathleen! I cant get over the under the Indian Ocean thing- I hope you took a small video clip of that. That sounds so cool. I love reading about your adventures. The train story was hilarious, i can so picture you praying like crazy and getting all nervous. You're so funny! Thanks for the postcards, I love them both!

  2. I know it was so awesome! I took some videos so I will show them to you for sure! Glad you got both the postcards!
