Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Farmer Wants a Wife

Last night I got hooked on an Aussie show! There are 6 farmers that are looking for love, 5 are men and the 6th is a woman farmer (in this season she is a winemaker). They each had hundreds of women (and men) that applied to get on the show. Each of the farmers gets to pick 8 people that they think they may get along with based on the profiles.  On the first episode, which was last night, they had speed dating where they got to speak with each of the 8 people previously chosen. At the end of the show, the farmers then narrow it down to 5 people to take on a group date to Sydney, Australia for next week’s episode. It is a little different than the Bachelor because there are so many singles looking for love and it is hard to follow which girls are there for which men. Don’t know if that makes sense but in other words the girls don’t go on hoping to connect with one out of the 5 men, they go on knowing that they are going to meet one man in particular and if it works they stay until the next round, but if it doesn’t they peace out. So far it is pretty good but I do miss that “dramatic spin” that ABC always puts in there with a crazy person mixed in with the group. I don’t know, maybe there will be a weird one on the show but so far they all seem pretty normal. I’ll let you know how it turns out!
Today was a fantastic day at school! I feel like this week I have been a rollercoaster of emotions because my first two days were very stressful but yesterday and today have been great and tomorrow is Friday so it automatically is going to be a good day, right?! Usually I am a very organized person with my school work and I always have to have my homework completed, but since I have been here I have been a little lost and confused about what I am supposed to do because I wasn’t sure if I needed to make my lesson plans like I would normally at Auburn or if I needed to make them like the student teachers here would make them. Thankfully, I got my head wrapped around everything today and finally got my work organized and planned out for the rest of the term! I have been learning so much about teaching and everything that goes into it. Most of my guy friends will make fun of my course load and stuff but being a teacher really is hard work! There are so many things that a teacher has to think about throughout the day and so much planning to do! Also they have a standardized test called NAPLAN that every student takes in years 3, 5, and 7. Since I am in year 3, my teacher and I have to prepare our students for this test! I think they will be taking it after I leave but I still want to do as much as I can to help them get ready for it! Anyway, I am so thankful that I have finally got the hang of how the school day goes around here – I feel like our time table kept changing! They never say schedule, they always say time table! Also, instead of saying “tattle tale” they call it dobbing. There are so many words that they say differently down here that I am able to understand but it is kind of funny. For instance, they never say vacation, it’s always holiday and they rarely ever say extra, they always say spare. I’ll try to keep track of the other words but that’s all I can think of for now.
And they do have Modern Family here I just need to figure out what time and what channel!
Love to all!
Luke 10:41-42


  1. Hey Kathleen!
    Your life sounds so much more exciting than mine right now. We are doing this renovation on the upstairs so my days consist of letting workers in and out constantly, telling Jackie to quit barking at them again (he seems to have short term memory loss, can't remember that he has already barked at this same man who just went out the door!) and trying to make decisions about where I want the nonexistent light fixture to go once the cabinets are in. Need to pick out carpet, paint and seemed like such a good idea to redo all this stuff....
    Anyway, we did get snow last night, about 2 inches. It looks pretty and the good news is that it is not really on the streets so we can get out and about just fine. I think I am ready for some hot as weather right about now!
    That farmer show sounds hilarious! I have not been following the bachelor this time, but you're right, the best part of that was the loony tune that was always in the mix. Maybe one will show up on that. Uncle Josh and I have been watching American Idol for the first time (I know, we are like the only 2 people in the world who didn't watch) One of Uncle Josh's patients is on it and she is only 15! She is adorable and they said she was the best audition ever in Nashville. Cross your fingers for her. Her name is Lauren Alaina. Another family we know here had a niece that was on it and she made the cut because she is beautiful. She was Miss Teen America or something and she was a good singer but not great. JLO voted no but Randy and Steven Tyler said yes because she is gorgeous. We'll see what happens!
    Thanks for the prayers for Eloise. She is really wiped out now and a bit sick but it could be worse. Sure hope the chemo works.
    Sounds like you are in in the groove now and I'm glad. You are so lucky to have this opportunity and to have gotten that great school! Enjoy and keep up the good work. I love you lots! Aunt Cyndie
    P.S. Try to sneak and take a picture of my twin down under...I want to see her! I have so many look alikes and now one around the world from me!

  2. Didn't take you long to get your "head around it"!! I had to google 'didgeridoo'. You need to see a koala bear too

  3. It was 25F this morning. I had to wear the scarf you knitted for me

  4. Uncle Bob, dont google didgeridoo, YOUTUBE it!

    Kathleen- since the show is called "Farmer wants a wife" does that mean that the lady farmer is also looking for a wife? I'm not so sure about that show. I think you should get hooked on another show. Friday Night Lights is a really good one! Happy Friday!!!

  5. Kathleen, I have two things to let you and the rest of Australia in on: (1) almost no job is harder than a teachers job. I was a teacher once, and that was by far the hardest job I've ever had, and I've had a few and (2) Friday Night Lights is legit.

  6. hey kathleen!

    i was daydreaming in class (if only you were my teacher, life would be so much more interesting) and i got to thinking about your post on the mexican food. i read somewhere that america's portions are like 2.5x larger than the rest of the world, and that is why we have the most obese people apparently. idk about that but i've never seen an obese austrailian so maybe smaller portions are the way to go.

    oh! also i was wonder if austrailians drive on the wrong side of the road. and if they play american football there. and if the school at which you teach is public or private (i think you mentioned that they wear uniforms). i'm sure i'll think up some more questions soon...

    keep evie in your prayers! she qualified for duke testing and is taking the ACT saturday @ spain park. anthony just got drafted for little league--he's on the dodgers again this year. =)

    i love you and i hope we can skype soon! xoxo Leah

  7. Leenie!! Sorry the delay, last night we lost our intermural basketball game and the emotions were pretty high. I mean i hate losing you know but last night I just had to come to reality that we were out matched, but oh well we got another one next week. Tommorrow I am spending the night in Meridian with Austin and then saturday morning we are going to Birmingham for the wedding. I wish you could be there! I will miss you when I am home. I'm glad to hear youre doing better and starting to get in the groove of everything. Wish you could send some of the weather down unda up here its to freaking cold to be in south 'sip!
    Loe you muchos! Shalom!

  8. Aunt Cyndie - sounds like a lot of work but Im sure it will be beautiful! Cant wait to see it! Funny enough, they have Australian Idol here and the singers become quite popular here! Ill have to see if I can catch American Idol here although it may not be until this season is over because they get our shows much later on. Hope she wins though!! Love you and yes I will try to take a pic of Karen soon! :)

    Daddy - check out the stamp when you get your postcard! But yea, I want to see a real one soon! Cold! They use celcius (sp?) here so yesterday it was 41 degrees which is actually 112 degrees!!

    Leila - she has her own men to choose from! But yea, I was a bit surprised when I found out there was a bachelorette on there too!

    Ryan - dont think I have seen Friday Night Lights but I guess it is the show to watch!

    Leah! You are so right! There are some overweight people here but nothing like obese Americans! And yes, the portions are much more expensive but a lot smaller. Yes, they do drive on the wrong side of the road and the steering wheels are on the passenger's side! It has been weird trying to get used to it cause I always go to the drivers side first and then realize I dont know how to drive over here! They also have to get a separate driver's license if they have a stick shift instead of automatic. They have football but I think it is more like Rugby but I havent seen anyone play so I dont know for sure, they call it footie. I am at a public school but all the public schools have to wear uniforms I think.
    Go Evie and Anth! Tell them I love them and am so proud! Love you and miss you! Keep the questions coming!!

    pete - sorry about the loss but you'll get 'em next time! Have so much fun at the wedding! The one that you can come to and Im not there!
