Monday, April 4, 2011

Religion In Life

So sorry I haven't been posting as often as I normally do. I think I am getting caught up today because this is probably my 4th post of the day! I hope people are still reading it even though it has been about 5 days since my last post. Lately it seems as though nothing too exciting is happening during the week because I pretty much have the same schedule every day: school, work out, dinner, TV, read, sleep, repeat. I have figured out that I can save pictures to my flash drive and then when I get to school in the mornings if there is time I can upload pictures so I will try to do that more often. If you have any requests of things that I have talked about that you want to see pics of, just let me know and I will upload those on here. Like I have said before, it takes up too much Internet to upload pics on facebook and the school has blocked facebook but good thing this blog is so handy!

This post is titled Religion in Life because we had RIL today at school. At the beginning of the term the school sends home a letter telling parents if they want their children to participate in RIL they must pay $5. The RIL teacher started coming today and will come every Monday after lunch for a 40 minute lesson about religion. Today was the first day and she talked about Egypt and Pharaoh and Jesus being born. It was cute to hear what the kids had to say when she asked them what they knew about Egypt. Eric said, "back in the old days, they had slaves that would use these big blocks to build pyramids" She talked about how she is going to teach them about how they can get to know Jesus and learn about him and then she played a song that was about getting to God. It was very nice and I liked getting to sit in on the class. She just has a little suitcase so she can travel to each classroom instead of having her own room.

Oh I forgot to tell you all about April Fool's Day at school. So Friday was 1 April as you know and as soon as the kids came in, John said, "Miss Boehme, guess what-- I'm moving to America!" I said, "Really? When?" Then he just started laughing and said "April Fool's! But I do know someone who lives in America. He's called Luke" and then I said, "oh yea, Luke! I know him" And then he said, "really, how do you know him?" Then I said, "April Fool's". So I guess y'all were thinking that story was going to be a lot better than it was but that was pretty much the only good one that happened. Another thing they kept doing to me was 'A pinch and a punch its the first of the month. No returns." That got a little old after the 2nd or third kid cause they kept trying to pinch and punch me! And we have had lots of birthdays the last week. Tahlia, James and Eric all had birthdays within the last few days so they brought in cupcakes and we got to sing to them. The happy birthday song is the same but at the end they say "Hip Hip Hooray" x3 Then they clap 8 times cause that is how old they have just turned and then one more clap for good luck.

I had my final observation today and that feels really good to get out of the way. Now I just have to finish my Professional Work Sample and then I will be ready to graduate! I seriously cannot believe how fast college has gone by! Probably been the best 4 years of my life!

Anyway, hope people are still reading this, I promise to be better about posting more often, hopefully each night again!



  1. Great pics Kath!! I want to see a wombat named Neil. So, what do the kids that don't pay the $5 do during RIL? supposed to storm here today.

    Two weeks from Thursday!! Love you!

  2. Hey Kathleen! I loved seeing your pictures.
    You look wonderful, as usual! I am at work today trying to listen to the Braves play a day game in Milwaukee. I can't get a radio signal and can't find it on-line either. I just sent your dad an e-mail asking for help on this.

    It was a beautiful weekend! I think we are supposed to get bad weather later but right now it is sunny and mild. I was in Newnan over the weekend to see my mom and look at a house that my brother wants to buy. It is so nice - on 3.5 acres out in the woods. I hope he gets it so I can visit. I wouldn't want to live there, however, as I am sure there are too may creepy crawly things for my taste.

    Trying to make some plans for Easter - am taking mom back to Miami but not sure if before, during or after the Easter weekend. I know what you will be doing.........getting hugged by everyone who misses you. Well, not everyone since I won't be there but almost everyone!

    I like the clapping after the birthday song but when you get to be my age, that would take a while!

    Love and miss you! Aunt Gina

  3. Daddy - Ill post the wombat pic soon! They have to sit in the wet area with the EA (educational assistant) and work on their spelling book or any unfinished work.

    Aunt Gina - That house sounds great! Hope to see you the weekend after easter at the food festival!

  4. Hey Kathleen!!! it sure has been awhile since we have connected, although i loved my texts this moorning. i miss you so much! i know you know that, i feel like i have been so busy. with spring football practices and little league games and now i have started intermural softball! ha. and oh yeah studying! so i am sorry for being a stranger. i know you are enjoying these last two weeks though! you'll be home in no time! I got some good news on friday, Martez took 5 steps with braces on!!!!! I heard he has feeling in his hips now! it is unbelievable how powerful prayer is! Have a good rest of the week miss you! and loved the pictures! i am going to email you one with me and one of my little ballers on the little league team lol.
