Saturday night Catherine, Erin, Catie and I went to the Freo Dockers vs. Geelong Cats. Geelong is a city just south of Melbourne over on the other side of Australia . Two girls from Auburn got placed there for their student teaching and they have been enjoying it. One of the girls, Maggie, is one of my good friends since freshmen year so I have been keeping in touch with her since we have both traveled to the same continent! She said that it has been raining a lot over there and has been quite cold. Over here I literally haven’t seen rain since January 27 which was the day that I got here. Well, it rained a little bit in Bali so I saw it there but since I have been in WA I haven’t seen a drop! It is supposed to rain on Thursday so everyone keep your fingers crossed because we are in much need of rain! Anyway, back to the footy – it may be a new favorite sport of mine! It was very fast paced and they don’t wear pads or helmets. They are very tough because they still tackle and hit each other but then they just jump right back up and keep playing. The clock doesn’t stop so the game goes by pretty quickly. We had front row seats directly behind the goal posts. While they were warming up they had a net up to catch the balls that they kicked through the field goal but once the game started they took the net down. We had two balls come our way after they kicked it and Catie caught both of them so I got to touch it and then the footy player actually came over to get it back! It was awesome! I don’t know how we scored such good seats because we only paid $30 for it. We were pulling for The Dockers because they are a WA team but they ended up losing 89-78. It was a really close game the whole time and very entertaining to watch. I think that pretty much every sport was represented during this game. To start the game they have a basketball tip off; to pass the ball they hit it like an underhand volleyball serve; they can dribble the ball like basketball when they are running with it; they punt it so many times in order to pass to one another; and it is a full on contact sport and they are running into each other right and left! Needless to say, it was a lot of fun and I really like Aussie Rules Football!
Ephesians 3:20
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