Friday, February 11, 2011

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Hello to all my avid readers! Just want to give you guys a heads up that it is Friday night and I may not be able to write again until Sunday or Monday because I am going to Freemantle this weekend! Yay! We have been talking about it for quite some time and we were supposed to go last weekend but it didn’t work out so we pushed it back to this weekend. On Tuesday night, plans were changing again and we weren’t sure if it was even going to work out for this weekend. But now everything has worked itself out and I am excited for tomorrow! If you know me well, you probably know that I am always on the go and like to stay busy with different things to do throughout the day and always hanging out with friends and family! That has been the most difficult thing since I have been here because I don’t have my car to go wherever I want and I can pretty much count my friends here on one hand! It has been a good lesson for me to learn that I am not in control and I can’t always have my days and weekends planned to a T because it is not really in my hands to begin with. My devotion for yesterday said this:
 “Don’t fall into the trap of being constantly on the go. Many, many things people do in My Name have no value in My Kingdom. To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.”
This was so important for me to hear because it was a good reminder that God will always take care of our needs if we talk to him and lean on him, he will make our worries disappear. I was so worried that if this Freemantle trip didn’t work out that it would be the worst thing ever! But now I have seen that once I just let go and stopped worrying about it, everything fell into place.
With all that said, today was a fantastic Friday! I am really starting to get the hang of things around here and it is such a relief! Today was free dress Friday for the Bush Fire relief and the kids had to bring a gold coin if they didn’t want to wear their uniforms. They have 2 gold coins here the smaller of the two is a $2 coin and the larger is $1. The money is pretty cool here, it has lots of color and it is indestructible! Seriously, I have tried to rip it so many times and you cannot tear it!  They have lots of coins, too. Besides the two gold ones, the rest are silver and I think there are 4: 50¢, 20¢, 10¢, and 5¢.
Before I go I have to wish ANDREW and EMILY a HAPPY WEDDING DAY TOMORROW!! I am so sad that I am missing your wedding but I know that Andrew will be so handsome and Emily will look gorgeous! You are so perfect for each other and I am so happy that you found each other! Welcome to the family, Emily!!
Have a great weekend everyone! Cheers!


  1. What a great post Kath!! Two weeks down already!! What denominations of "folding money" do they have?? No pennies?? Freemantle should be fun. I checked it out on the interwebs. Love you and miss you!!

  2. FYI...when Cody was in the 5th grade they had a show and tell from a dad who had spent some time in Australia...he brought lots of things to show them and to pass around so all the kids could see and feel everything. One of the things was the " indestructible" paper money. Well, if a 5th grade child hears that, it is their mission to tear that money. By the time it got passed to Cody, it had been pulled and stretched and Cody was able to make a tear. His teacher reamed him out in front of everyone and by the time he got home that afternoon, she had already called me. While I was on the phone with her, he came in and flung himself down on the rug in the foyer and was sobbing! Said he hated school, hated his teacher and hated Australian money! I'm sure the dad thought it was hilarious, but Mrs. Callahan (his teacher) was very upset by Cody's rude behavior. It took him awhile to get over that...we try not to mention Australian money around him to this day...heeheehee
    Have a great weekend! Love you!

  3. P.S. our favorite show ever is Friday Night Lights!!!

  4. Daddy - I dont know what you mean about folding money? Like origami?

    Aunt Cyndie - that is so sad! I was going to bring him back some money as a souvenir but I guess I cant do that now! haha jk but for real, how traumatic!
