Not too much has happened the past two or three days, hence not too many posts on this end. School has been pretty normal. Yesterday I was on duty for morning recess which means that while the kids are outside for morning recess there has to be two teachers on duty to watch them while the other teachers have a cuppa (cup of coffee/tea) in the staff room. So I was doing my duty outside and on the oval the year 6 and 7 boys were playing footy but some of them had taken their shoes off. I went over there to tell them that anyone who didn’t have shoes on needed to put them back on. Most of them obeyed straight away but one of them said, “This is AFL not NFL” I said, “it doesn’t matter what type of football they both wear shoes so put yours back on” (in my serious teacher tone voice) and he said, ‘yea, but I’m just saying this is not NFL that we are playing.” Haha even though he was still talking back I think he just wanted to point out that our football was different or something.
Yesterday instead of doing our normal boot camp in the afternoon, we all went to the oval in the neighborhood to play rugby. I finally caught on to the rules by the end of it but you can only pass the ball behind you which was really hard to do because you are trying to run forward but your teammates have to stay behind you so you can pass it to them without getting tagged since we were just playing touch. It was a lot of fun playing out there and a lot of running too!
Last night at bible study, Ash made some Turkish bread and it was so good! He put butter and garlic on it and it was like ciabatta (sp?) bread or something like that but a little thinner. I love most of the foods here but my teacher had me try cheesemite which is like vegemite but with a cream cheese type base. Two words: not good. I think that it is an acquired taste and I do not like it at all. It is very salty and I didn’t taste much cheese at all.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Peace and blessings, oh and I sent some more postcards yesterday so you may get one soon! Also, I noticed that I bought one that has already been written on! I cant believe I wasted 30 cents on a postcard that I cant even use! Ha I am trying to decide if I should keep it for a scrapbook because it is written in Swedish or something like that or if I should send it off because it is addressed and stamped already. What do y’all think I should I do about it? it’s a beautiful postcard so it would be a great thing for my scrapbook but I bet that person is looking for it in the mail from their friend that is in Perth ! Thoughts?
Proverbs 3:5